Sponsor St Andrews Chorus

Can You Help?

One of the largest choral choirs in Scotland, St Andrews Chorus is a self-funded Scottish Charity with all revenue directed to the running of the choir. We aim to remain an accessible activity for all by keeping our subscription fees and concert tickets affordable.  

A significant proportion of our singers are students at the University, and in line with our charitable objectives we try to offer four to six Choral Scholarships annually, which pay for vocal tuition for talented student singers to support our performances. In 2022-23 we offered six students scholarships and they and the Chorus benefitted enormously.

Each concert is expensive to produce as we are accompanied by professional soloists and musicians. While ticket sales and subscription fees cover part of the costs of the two concerts, our fundraising sub-committee work extremely hard all year round applying for funding and grants to raise additional funds to help cover costs.

St Andrews Chorus  would very much appreciate sponsorship from any company willing to provide us with financial support, or even just to help fund a particular expense. This might be for a specific concert, for example sponsoring a soloist, or funding a ‘named’ Choral Scholarship. 

For further details about possible Corporate sponsorship please contact us.

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